Yuma and Tori find themselves being chased by Anna Kaboom, a girl who allegedly pranked Yuma in her childhood because she had a crush on him. After a lengthy chase involving a rocket launcher, Yuma challenges Anna to a duel, who declares that if she wins, he will be hers. Anna proves to be trouble with her Railway Deck, especially when she summons a Rank 10 Xyz Monster, Super Dreadnought Rail Cannon Gustav Max. Anna said that Yuma was afraid of heights, and he said he was never, causing Tori to think that something was going on. Yuma summons his new Xyz Monster, Temtempo the Percussion Djinn, and manages to use his traps to turn Anna's overwhelming firepower against her and win. After the duel, he told Anna she was wasting too much power on things that could be handled with small ones. It is revealed by Tori that Anna had confused Yuma for someone else. Embarrassed, she rode away.